Final week to suggest your favourite Plymouth spot to inspire artwork for TRP Gallery
Theatre Royal Plymouth is giving you the chance to submit your favourite Plymouth spot to inspire a brand new piece of artwork.
It will be painted by local artist Richard Allman and will feature in the TRP Gallery, alongside Richard’s current exhibition ‘Plymouth Exposed’.
‘Plymouth Exposed’ has been displayed on the first floor of the theatre since 3 December 2021 and runs until 2 April 2022.
There is another angle to this exhibition which involves you.
‘YOUR Plymouth Exposed’ sees Richard asking for the public’s help to inspire his next piece of work.
Richard said: “We would like to challenge you to get involved in the exhibition. So we are asking you to submit any ideas to us, about your own personal fascinating place in Plymouth, and somewhere that you would like me to paint.”
Richard has been painting for more than 50 years and often looks for unique angles within the city. He explains: “I like looking at angles of Plymouth that maybe other people don’t notice or pass by and that are maybe quite quirky.
“For example, I’ve done a couple of paintings of Smeaton’s Tower on the Hoe. One was covered in scaffolding before the decoration started, and then the next one a few days later when the storm had come through and
ripped all the plastic off.”
This is the final week to send in your proposals. These can be dropped in to the theatre in person or by emailing along with an explanation as to why you chose it.
On 14 January, TRP will select a quirky suggestion with a special back story. Richard will then start work on the painting. It will be added to the exhibition in the TRP Gallery in February, before the work is presented to the winner.
For more information on Richard’s work, visit and for enquiries about sales, contact Artmill Gallery on 01752 255020 or Richard directly on 07855 347469.