Culture Plan

Sector evidence

In the development of the Culture Plan, we undertook, commissioned and collated a great amount of sector data and research, to help provide evidence to back the Culture Plan, and to make the case for the value of culture more widely.

Our work with this is ongoing and central to our mission to put culture at the heart of our community. In service to this, we have created a resource library that is openly accessible for other organisations developing proposals or funding applications.

If this resource would be of use to you in your activities to support culture to thrive, you can access them via the link below.

Blue flower-like abstract shape with six petals and a white center.
Half blue circle on a white background
Illustration of a light bulb in orange with a white flower inside, blue base resembling a pencil, colorful lines around it



Creative and cultural
enterprises in Plymouth

Illustration of three orange silhouettes inside a circle, surrounded by blue petals with smaller colorful flowers.


Estimated Total Employment in Creative Industries in 2022

a growth of around
9.8% on 2019 figures

Illustration of a yellow hand holding a blue star shape with a circle in the center containing a checkmark and arrow, surrounded by colorful plus signs.


Approximate total
Real GVA of Creative
Industries in 2022

growing from 98m in 2020


Red and white striped lighthouse near a body of water, with green grass in the foreground and wooded hills in the background, under a blue sky.

City demographics

Culture Makes Community Campaign

Woman in a mustard blouse reading a book at a cluttered art studio desk with colorful materials and art supplies.

Culture Makes Economy Campaign

Group of people focused on an art or craft activity at a table, with pencils, paper, magnifying glass, and hot drinks.

Culture Makes Education Campaign

Useful Reports

ACE - Culture and Place Data Explorer Detailed Report

Core Cities UK reports

Key Cities Culture and Places in Britain report

The State of the Arts report

Music education report

Guild HE and Ukadia Value of Creative Graduates report

Cultural Learning Alliance - Report Card 2024

Cultural Learning Alliance Key Findings