North Cross Subways Murals

Plymouth City Council and Plymouth Culture collaborated to bring new murals to North Cross Roundabout’s walls, a pivotal system of under passes that link pedestrians with the railway station, University of Plymouth, Central Park, the City Centre, the Hoe, and surrounding residential districts.


The North Cross Roundabout was created in the early 1970s as part of the post-war rebuilding programme of Patrick Abercrombie and James Paton-Watson, and is one of the first places visitors see when stepping away from the train station platform. It receives hundreds of Plymothians and visitors to the city every day and we wanted it to manifest the cultural identity of the city. 

In 2023, Plymouth City Council and Plymouth Culture invited local artists, designers, and creatives to submit their ideas in response to the question “What makes Plymouth Britain’s Ocean City?”.  The ambition was to commission works that captured the city’s positive assets that make its citizens proud and show visitors its value and beauty.

Members of the Public Art Steering Group which included representatives from Plymouth City Council, Plymouth City Centre Company, Plymouth Artists Together, Plymouth Design Forum and The Box selected Plymouth artists Sue Lewry and Eleanor Tomas proposal that reflects the city’s “humour, positivity and colour” . 

Sue and Eleanor were responsible for the design concept and artwork of all four subways and collaborated with experienced street artists Lee Jackson and Roy Christie, who skillfully translated the designs to painted artworks using hand and spray paint techniques.

All eight murals are now completed, with each carefully designed to represent an important aspect or area of the city.

Find the witty and welcoming designs on North Cross Roundabout.


Cultural Investment Fund


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